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"Espero que en un futuro podamos volver a encontrarnos y trabajar juntos"
​​A toda la familia de “Bolivia Digna“: Solo tengo palabras de agradecimiento para este corto pero intenso mes que hemos pasado juntos....
"Thank you for showing me how much of a change or how much I can change in so little time"
Dear Fundación Bolivia Digna, My experience in Bolivia was splendid! The kids expected me to be their role model and, in some ways, I...
"As soon as I arrived, two weeks seemed too short"
Bolivia Digna, Thank you for an incredible two weeks! I had no idea what to expect prior to arriving, but this organization was amazing....
"One regret is that I‘m not staying longer"
A Bolivia Digna I‘ve thoroughly enjoyed the past dos semanas. I couldn‘t imagine immersing myself into Bolivia in any other way. From...
"Me siento 5 años mayor, pero en una manera buena"
A Bolivia Digna ¡Ay! No sé que escribir! Ahora mismo estoy en Tackoloma, con 5 niños mirandome y preguntando por la pelota... En 5...
"Thank you so much for making our time here so amazing!"
Dear Bolivia Digna, Thank you so much for making our time here so amazing! I can’t believe how fast this month has passed, I would have...
It’s crazy, four months have gone already!
It’s crazy, four months have gone already! In my time at Bolivia Digna I have been responsible for the sport project which i have been...
"I am so grateful for our time here, everyone has been incredible"
I am so grateful for our time here, everyone has been incredible. As you know this was our first experience teaching niños and I can’t...
"I really liked how the kids were so happy everytime we came to teach and play with them"
I have been working for Bolivia Digna as a volunteer for 2 months in both of the projects (Mercado and Tackoloma - Bolivia Digna is...
"Volunteering, I would do it again, without a doubt!"
So my experience in Cochabamba with Bolivia Digna was without a doubt.... amazing ... will I volunteer again, most definitely!! Why you...
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