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"One regret is that I‘m not staying longer"

A Bolivia Digna

I‘ve thoroughly enjoyed the past dos semanas. I couldn‘t imagine immersing myself into Bolivia in any other way. From Doña Soledad‘s comida (the best in Cochabamba, if not in Bolivia!) to los niños, to Parlana, I feel as though I got a genuine experience.

One regret is that I‘m not staying longer. After the short two weeks I felt a bond with the little ones at Mercado, and I wish I could be here for a more substantial engagement.

Thank you, Ludi, for all your advise, friendship and direction in addition to your passion that makes this thing run. Dante, I appreciate you bringing us in and helping us contribute. Pablo and Sandra, thank you for doing what you do and helping facilitate how we could make an impact.

Thank you again for the opportunity and I look forward to seeing each of you again, hopefully returning.

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