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Help children in Cochabamba get a Sport Coach

Hi. I am Skaiste, I'm from the north of Europe, a country called Lithuania.

This story will not be about me or my experiences but rahter a message where I ask you to help.

Thanks to my university, I volunteer at the Foundation Bolivia Digna at the moment. We work with different age children, who can already tell stories which, acctually, I would never ever like to hear from a child. In general, bolivian children are very brave, individual, they are not spoiled and they have to learn to fight for themselves daily. Also, they ask for a lot of attention because their parents are not able to provide it. Personaly, I found it very interesting to observe how different their priorities in life are organized.

I would love to leave at least a small footprint in daily lives of children I met in Cochabamba. We've organized a project where a big amount of money needs to be collected. We want to provide a sport coach so kids could learn communication, teamwork, self-confidence.

As usual, NGOs do not have fountains of money. Therefore, we have created a fundraising platform where we hope to collect the needed amount of dollars/ Bolivian Bolivianos in order to implement the project.

Time to time, I remind myself that I want to create. I bet You want that too. So, the creation of a safe, motivating zone for kids for at least several times a week, would be a great step forward. Let's make children life great again? :)

The more comprehensive description of the project might be found if you click on the link below.

P.s. Sharing is Caring!

P.p.s. When you decide to donate, you can choose the amount yourself; also, you can edit the amount you dontate for the website right there as well.



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